Balancing work and life - what we're doing to help
The most crucial components of an effective and happy team of staff are job satisfaction and a supportive management team. That’s why we’re constantly working hard to ensure our staff that our staff have a proper work-life balance so they can bring their best selves to work every day.
Here’s just a few of the things we do to make their lives easier:

1) Free breakfast!
Our employees come from a broad range of backgrounds, some travelling further to the office, some doing the school run before they come in, and some might just be in a bit of a rush some mornings! That’s why we have our little breakfast station in our main office, offering all staff and visitors tea & coffee, cereal, fruit and a few other bits to start their day off right and make sure they have one less thing to worry about in the morning. These can be taken along to jobs too, as long as they are consumed on breaks, which we encourage staff to take when necessary, especially when it’s hot! We understand that work is just one of many important priorities, so every little thing we can do helps!

2) Support and feedback
Studies show that employees who receive frequent feedback and communication from management and clients are happier staff, feel more secure in their job, and are more likely to stay with their company. That’s one of many reasons why our training programme is created to be adaptable and can be tailored to the needs and abilities of each individual. It’s designed to be more about productivity than the amount of hours we put in – supervisors provide frequent feedback on a candidate’s strengths and highlight key areas of improvement that can be worked upon with managerial staff. This feedback and support will continue when our staff complete their training, with the addition of our Bonusly system which offers staff additional bonuses for leaving their co-workers feedback and helping decide employee of the month based on the work they do together. Our managerial teams value communication and feedback about their work too, so our work environments are open and honest to ensure proper communication and a well-gelled team. We’re all about progress here!

3) Employee Benefits
Another way we promote healthy work-life balance is with the benefits our company offers employees. With cleaning being a fairly physical job, we understand the importance of taking care of your body. That’s why our employees all receive free private healthcare and encourage our employees to receive preventative check-ups whenever necessary. Moreover, we offer a range of bonuses for attendance and performance, events & outings and a pension scheme. We want to do our best to ensure our staff have all the support we can offer them, as well as recognition for the hard work they do, so we try to offer them the best! (including subscribing to the Real Living Wage, not the National one 😉)

4) Planning ahead!
Finally, planning ahead. We’ll create our rotas ahead of time so our staff know exactly what they’re doing, where, and when. We cover a range of areas across Berkshire, so it’s important that we stay organised and give staff as much notice of bigger jobs. We occasionally have some weekend jobs too, but as our cleaning staff usually operate on weekdays, these will be arranged with as much notice as we can to ensure staff can arrange plans and childcare if needed.
Helping staff create a positive work-life balance makes our company perform better, our staff feel happier, and ensures that our offices are friendly, interactive places that our employees feel safe and content at work.